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November 12, 2000 - Iota Cafe - Arlington, VA


Happy to Be Here
45 Miles
Long Year
[Just in Case story]
Just in Case
My Generation, Part 2
Horeseshoe Lake
Rocket Fuel
Can't Complain
Easy Money > It's Only Rock 'n' Roll [Rolling Stones]
[Keep Off the Grass story]
Keep Off the Grass
Sideshow Blues
I Spoke as a Child
Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues
Alright Guy
Illegal Smile [John Prine]
All My Life
Doublewide Blues


SOURCE: AUD | QUALITY: B | COMPLETE: Yes | LENGTH: 68:05 | TAPER: Undetermined


Todd coughs during the first line of Rocket Fuel and has to restart. After telling the story before Keep Off the Grass about it being a Bob Dylan-like song, Todd sings the last few lines of the song in his best Dylan voice.


On Sideshow Blues:

On Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues: On Alright Guy: On Doublewide Blues: